About Me


It's a pleasure to meet you and thank you for taking a few minutes to learn more about me.   Firefighting has been in my family for a few generations as it was my father whose interests steered me into the career chasing many fires in the Chicago area in the 60's and 70's.  

I began as a volunteer firefighter on my 18th birthday, the soonest it was legally possible to be a firefighter and spent almost 10 years as a volunteer even after I had moved into the profession as a career.   I then spent 27 years rising up through the ranks and left a suburban Chicago fire department as a deputy fire chief and headed for Colorado.  There I spent 7 1/2 years as a fire chief in a fire protection district just north of Colorado Springs bringing together fire chiefs from Colorado Springs area and actively participating in drawing fire departments across the state to be better prepared for the wildfire scenario that is so present there.  I have then spent the last 3 years criss-crossing the country providing a variety of consulting services to many different styled fire service organizations and pursuring a coaching credential through the International Coaching Federation.


Over the years, a passion developed for strong leadership and organizational management seeing the value of everyone inside and outside an organization working collaboratively.  A strong Christian faith, which is where my organization's name comes from, provides a strong foundation for the character required for leaders to be exceptional in today's complex environment.  The success of the future leader will greatly rely on an individual's ability to think for themselves, be guided by strong principles, and having the confidence of navigating the complexity of a hurried  and integrated world.  I desire to be a part of developing those leaders. 

On a personal note, I have a wife of almost 40 years I adore, am proud of three grown children and their spouses and six grandchildren.  Few things does joy exceed than being called 'Grandpa'!